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How to add Color Lines

Learn how to add color to your SalonScale account to get started with the app

Updated over a year ago

Approximate Time To Set-Up: 2 Minutes

The first step to set up your SalonScale account is to add your color lines. Color lines (and pricing) need to be added in order to use your SalonScale account. This step is only available to Salon Owners and users that have granted permissions.

What you'll need:

  1. Access your Business Center at

  2. Your product cost list (ex. Invoice from your distributor, e-commerce cart, product price list from rep, beauty distributor website, etc.)

If this is your first time logging into your SalonScale account, our Start Guide will walk you through these steps.

Adding Your Color Lines

Click "BackBar" on the left-hand side, a drop-down will appear. Click "Color Lines".

You will be taken to the Color Lines page. This is where you can manage what lines you carry, your product pricing, and adjust your markup.

To add Lines, Click "Add Lines" near the top right.

You will be taken to a screen where you will see a list of the various Color Brands and Lines in our system. You can scroll or search for your Brands and Lines.

Search for the Brand/ Lines you would like to add. For this example, we will search for Kevin Murphy.

You can either add the entire line by clicking "+ Add Line". Or you can individually select products, but clicking the down arrow in the row.

When the products are added you will see a check mark with the associated product. As well as details below the Color Brand and Lines.

Continue with the same steps to add all of your color lines and products. After you have completed this, click "View My Lines" and you will be taken back to the Color Lines page.

Next Step: Add your costs- view how to here

Watch the video Below:

FAQ About Brands:

Does SalonScale carry my brand?

Chances are yes! We have over 300 lines templated within our app.

I don't see my brand - can SalonScale add it?

Yes -reach out to our team at [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Can I remove a brand?

A: Yes! To delete a brand, color line, or product; select the product you want to delete and click "Delete". This can be done on the color lines page.

You will see a warning pop up that this is permanent. If you wish to continue click "Yes, Remove". If you wish to add the product back in, you will have to go through the "add lines" steps listed at the top.

I've added my brands but still cannot view my Color Lines in my app - help!

You'll have to associate add costs in to customize your Color Lines - the good news is it only takes a few clicks. Learn how to add your costs.

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