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How to Create A Session In App
How to Create A Session In App

You are all set up and ready to create your first session - learn how here:

Updated over 4 months ago

You might be wondering, "How do I track the cost of color in SalonScale?" This article will walk your through step by step on how to create a session and weigh with SalonScale.

Creating a Session

To create a session in SalonScale we recommend gathering all of the materials needed to create your formula (ex. products, bowl, scale) and follow these steps:

Select your Client

To start a session in your app, select the "+" button found in the bottom right-hand corner of your home screen.

Select your client. You can search or scroll to find your client. To add a new client click the "+" sign in the top right corner.

Select Your Products

To add color, select "Add Bowl"

Then select your bowl type. (i.e. Highlight, Lowlight, Toner etc.)

Select the product you would like to add to your bowl. To find products faster you can scroll, search, scan the UPC code, or use the filters. Note: all products are organized by brand in alphabetical order.

After you have selected the products for the bowl, click "Start Measuring" at the bottom of your screen.

Measuring your Products

Now you have made your way to the weigh screen.

There are 3 ways to weigh:

    1. Select the Bluetooth symbol

    2. Turn your scale on and place your bowl on the scale, making sure to tare/zero the scale (*Note - Bluetooth will automatically connect when you are on this screen)

    3. Select the product you are mixing and begin to pour. The measurement on the scale will signal over to the app to read. (Either tare/zero the scale before pouring the next product depending on if you have your settings set to auto tare or not - learn more about auto tare in the article found here)

    4. Select the next product you are mixing and begin to pour.

    5. Repeat for all products

  1. Manual Entry

    1. Select the Keyboard symbol

    2. Select the product you are wishing to measure and enter in the amount (ex. 10g)

    3. Select the next product you wish to measure and repeat.

  2. Voice Command

    1. Select the microphone Symbol

    2. Say the amount you are wishing to enter once that product is highlighted (ex. say "10 grams")

    3. Say "Next" to enter in measurements for the next product. Once the new product is highlighted, say the amount you are wishing to enter.

    4. Say "Last" to go to the previous amount if needing to adjust a measurement

Once all measurements are entered, select "Save" in the top right-hand corner. Otherwise, you will lose your progress.

Repeat to add more bowls of color.

Change your measurement settings in the top right. SalonScale allows you to measure in grams and ounces.

Complete Your Session

At the end of your session, you will see the total cost of the products used.

When you are done with your session, select "Complete" at the bottom of the screen. A warning will appear. Click "Confirm"

And the final session breakdown will appear.

Tips for mixing with SalonScale:

  • Use Calculate Developer to set your product ratio. This allows you to weigh to a target rather than having to do the math.

  • Need some extra product? Use remix your bowl and select either the full bowl, half or a quarter. This ensures that your formula ratios are accurate and to mitigate overmixing color.

Optional: Addons and Extensions

In your sessions, you can include addons and extensions. This ensures that you are accurately accounting for all of your backbar products used.


Addons are anything like foils, gloves, treatments, cotton, and coffee. You can add these in your business center. Under Backbar > Addons.

To add Addons, select the plus sign under the group. And select which you would like to include.

These will be added to the total cost of the session.


Extensions can be added to your session too. You can add these in your business center. Under Backbar > Extensions.

Click Add Extension in the group. Select the extensions you would like to add. You can filter by brand and length.

Add the quantity of extensions you will be using. Then click "save" in the top right.

The total extension cost will be added to the cost of the session.

Optional: Account for Waste

Have some extra color in your bowl? no worries. Follow these steps to measure waste.

Measuring your waste allows you to refine your formula for future use with your client and mitigate overmixing in the future.


Q: How do I view a session?

A: View sessions by selecting the "Sessions" tab found at the bottom of your mobile app, or by selecting "Sessions" in your Business Centre ( found in the navigation menu on the left-hand side of your screen.

Q: How do I edit a session?

A: Edit a session by selecting the session you wish to edit from your "Session" tab on your mobile app. Select the portion you are wishing to edit and make all necessary adjustments.

Once a session is marked "Complete" you cannot go back and edit it.

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