How to read Stock Alerts in SalonScale
Updated over a week ago

Stock Alerts on Desktop

Stock alerts can be found in the second tab on the Inventory Page. Stock Alerts is meant to give you a pulse on your backbar product levels.

There are 3 stock alerts. The 3 stock alerts are: out of stock, low stock, and overstock. You can easily filter these through in the upper right-hand corner.

  • Overstock: means your on-hand exceeds your target value.

  • Low Stock: means your on hand is less than your target, but not quite zero. You will see low stock.

  • Out of Stock: means you are out of stock

It’s important to keep in mind that your out of stock and overstocked products.

TIP! If you are consistently out of stock on an item or running out between ordering periods, it may be time to consider your current target and increase your target value a bit. So you never want to be quite hitting zero.

TIP! If you find that over a couple of ordering periods, you’re consistently overstocked, you may want to consider lowering your target a bit. Or running down a little bit below target before reordering it again.

For example, if you had 8 of a product on hand, but your target is 5, even if you had used 2 bottles you might not want to reorder just yet.

Overview of Filters

Next, we will go over the filters. When you first come onto the page all of the products are sorted by alert.

You can use the filters at the top, to find certain products easier. So you can filter by stock levels, brands, and categories.

Using stock levels, you can just filter by the products that are out of stock, low in stock, or overstocked, and then just click the X to remove the filter.

Or if you want, you can filter by brands and categories as well. Then if you’re searching for a particular product, you can use the search bar.

TIP! You can also edit the product information using the edit button. After clicking edit, the side card will appear and you will be able to adjust your on-hand, your target, product cost, and markup.

Stock Alerts on Mobile

In the app, you will go to the backbar tab, then click on stock alters.

This page will look similar to what's in the web business centers showing all the stock alerts.

You can filter by stock level, brand, or category

Watch the video below to review Stock Alerts

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